Steri-Clean Southern Florida has a quarter century experience providing services for removal, disinfecting, cleaning of blood, bodily fluids, and various harmful pathogens in areas to assist police stations. Biohazard services include but are not limited to: hazardous waste cleanup, biological waste cleanup, crime scene cleanup and bodily fluids cleanup. All types of scenes are remediated by our certified biohazard technicians.
Emergency Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning
Steri-Clean can disinfect emergency vehicles for cities, law enforcement and fire departments after the transportation of a person who has left behind potentially hazardous bodily fluids such as urine, vomit, blood and feces.
Jail/Holding Cell Cleaning
Steri-Clean S. Florida responds to hundreds of calls annually to clean and disinfect jail/holding cells affected with bodily fluids and pepper spray. After the discovery of a biohazard spill in a jail cell, it is important that it is properly cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread to other inmates.
Evidence Room Cleaning
Law enforcement evidence rooms including drying cabinets, hanging racks and processing rooms must be properly disinfected and cleaned to prevent cross contamination of DNA evidence. Steri-Clean can disposal of collected evidence such as bloody clothing and other biohazardous waste. Weekly, monthly or bi-monthly services can be scheduled as well as emergency callouts.
Call Steri-Clean S. Florida Today!
Our toll free call center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.